Import Trees

Enhance 3D Models with Tree Imports

There are many times where a 3D model you're designing on may be lacking in detail about trees around the planned PV array. Not having this detail can skew your shade analysis and may show better than real values.

Dormant deciduous trees from a winter site assessment or maybe drone imagery not fully capturing a tree can cause pause about designing on a 3D model. Instead of having to re-fly a site or delay for a certain time of year, importing trees into your model is a great solution.

To import one or more trees into your 3D model, follow the steps below.

1. Click the dropdown next to Scanifly Library


Select from the Scanifly Library

2. Choose from Low-Poly or High-Poly Tree Models

  • Low-Poly - Less realistic
  • High-Poly - More realistic


High-poly Trees Decrease Performance

High-Poly tree models can cause decreased speeds when working in the 3D space. We recommend using low-poly tree models for the most efficient experience.


Low and High Poly Tree Models


Low-Poly Tree Models


High-Poly Tree Model

3. Select the Tree Model, then Click Seed

By clicking Seed, you can now manipulate your model and left-click where you want your tree to go.


Seed Tree

4. Click Plant to Generate the Tree Model


Plant Tree

4. Move, Rotate, Scale or Remove

Move - Adjust the placement of the tree model on the X, Y and Z axis.


Move Tree

Rotate - Rotate the tree model on the X, Y and Z axis.


Scale - Scale the tree model larger or smaller on the X, Y and Z axis.


Remove - Remove the tree model from the 3D space by clicking the trash can icon.


5. Add Viewsheds and Assess Shade Impact



If you have already placed viewsheds prior to importing a tree model, you will need to remove them and then regenerate them to account for the new trees in the model.