Weather and Environmental considerations
Prepare for your surroundings
Things to watch out for:
- Rain/precipitation/snowfall. Most consumer drones that Scanifly pilots use are NOT suitable for flying in any rain. Always follow your manufacturer guidelines and never fly in a situation that could result in an aircraft failure due to moisture. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
- Fog. Follow FAA guidelines on flying with low cloud cover. Remember to always maintain visual line of sight on the drone and be aware that the drone's obstacle avoidance systems may not work as well in a low visibility/foggy environment.
- Extreme heat. A thick hardshell case can help insulate the drone and its batteries from the heat of the sun. Make sure to keep the drone in the shade or in a cool environment. Follow manufacturer guidelines on storage temperature ranges of your specific drone.
- Extreme cold. A thick hardshell case can help insulate the drone and its batteries from the cold. Just make sure to keep the drone out of a cold environment for an extended amount of time, because the case will only help for so long. Be sure to always follow manufacturer specific guidelines on drone batteries.
Always use your best judgement.
If you do not feel comfortable in a situation, use your best judgement. Sometimes it is better to come back to a site later rather than try and push the limits of the situation just to try and get the job done. Other times you can just get a flight off before an incoming rain storm. Just know the limits of your ability and do not try and push a situation when you feel uncomfortable or are unsure.
Weather alerts
Consider setting up a regional weather alert with a popular weather app to get notified of potential storms or inclement weather that may be headed your way. As a drone pilot it is always best to be aware of the weather and keep an eye on weather systems at a frequent interval depending on flight operation plans.
Updated about 3 years ago