Physical Solar Model Data (PSM Data)

Understand the three types of PSM Data

The National Renewable Energy Labratory (NREL) and The National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) Data

NREL is a government entity that focuses on renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. As a part of its work it has made NSRDB data freely available on its website. One type of data they have provided is Physical Solar Model Data (PSM Data)

Three types of PSM Data Available

PSMV3 - Physical Solar Model PSM v3

PSMV3 5 min - Physical Solar Model PSM v3 - Five Minute Temporal Resolution

PSM TMY3 - Physical Solar Model PSM v3 TMY

PSMV3 - Physical Solar Model PSM v3

PSMV3 - Physical Solar Model PSM v3 is the collation of selected weather data for a specific location, listing 30 minute interval values of solar radiation and meteorological elements for a one-year period.

PSMV3 5 min - Physical Solar Model PSM v3 - Five Minute Temporal Resolution

PSMV3 5 minute is the collation of selected weather data for a specific location, listing 5 minute interval values of solar radiation and meteorological elements for a one-year period.

PSM TMY3 - Physical Solar Model PSM v3 TMY

Typical Meteorological year (TMY) is the collation of selected weather data for a specific location, listing hourly values of solar radiation and meteorological elements for a one-year period.

NREL PSM Downloads Website